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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Brand : Etude House. Tampilkan semua postingan
Review : Etude House Styling Eyeliner in Black, Brown, White

Review : Etude House Styling Eyeliner in Black, Brown, White

Hallo :D
Eyeliner udah jadi must have items buat aku. Salah satu holy grailku adalah produk dari Etude House ini, Styling Eyeliner in Black, Brown and White. Karena suka banget sama tekstur dan staying powernya aku repurchase berkali-kali dan punya semua warna sekaligus. Penasaran gimana okenya? Yuk scroll :D

Deskripsi dan cara pakai :
1) Draw a line gently along eyeline.
2) Use as eyeliner or slightly smudge to use as point color eye shadow.
3) More sophisticated and definite expression of
eyes if drawn along lower eyeline, effective for smoky makeup.

1) Draw a line gently along eyeline.
2) Use as eyeliner or slightly smudge to use as point color eye shadow.
3) More sophisticated and definite expression of
eyes if drawn along lower eyeline, effective for smoky makeup.

1) Draw a line gently along eyeline.
2) Use as eyeliner or slightly smudge to use as point color eye shadow.
3) More sophisticated and definite expression of
eyes if drawn along lower eyeline, effective for smoky makeup.

Shade available :
01 Black
02 White
03 Brown

Packagingnya slim dan warnanya sesuai shade. Designnyaimple dan ga berlebihan. Ada segelnya jadi kamu bisa pastikan produk ini belum pernah di buka. Aku sengaja kasih gambar segel yang udah dibuka dan yang belum. Seukuran pensil/bolpoin biasa dan pasti akan muat nyelip di make up pouch kamu. Eyeliner ini tanpa box, keterangan produk di tulis di badan produk dengan bahasa Korea. Karena ini eyeliner automatic yang ga butuh rautan, untuk mengeluarkannya kamu hanya perlu memutar bagian ujung kemasan. Bahan packagingnya cukup strong tapi sedikit licin menurutku. Dan kadang agak lama untuk mengeluarkan produknya dan sering tiba-tiba macet.
 Teksturnya creamy tapi cepat set jadi ga akan bleber kemana-mana. Aku suka bikin eyeliner puppy eye ataupun eyeliner natural dengan tekhnik tight line (menggambar eyeliner tepat di garis bulu mata) jadi ujung eyeliner yang runcing ini sangat membantu. Cuma kalau kamu pengen bikin garis terus kamu pengen smudge biar hasilnya blur gitu aku ga merekomendasikan produk ini karena eyeliner ini bener-bener cepet kering. Untuk warna brown dan black, hasil akhirnya matte. Untuk warna white, ada sedikit shimmer. Menurutku tekstur produk ini pas, ga terlalu keras dan ga terlalu lembek. Jadi kalau kamu mau pake eyeliner ini untuk di waterline, masih bisa.

Warnanya bagus, intense and really vivid. Meski eyeliner ini termasuk murah tapi warnanya keluar dan intense banget. Kalau ingin hasil natural biasanya aku cukup menggambar 1-2x garis sudah keliatan oke. Untuk yang warna putih biasanya aku pakai tipis-tipis dengan menggambar garis yang tipis juga dibagian tearduct alias ujung dalam mata. Fungsinya untuk membuat mata terlihat lebih bright.

Staying powernya mengagumkan banget. Jadi, tipe kulit kelopak mataku oily, produk ini glides on smoothly dan tahan lama seharian. Bener-bener seharian, dari pagi sampai sore. Staying powernya makin oke di ruangan ber-ac. Tapi aku juga pernah pakai di kegiatan outdoor dan setelah 6 jam cuma beleber sedikit, jadi beresinnya juga cuma butuh ujung tisu yang lembab. Setelah 8 jam warnanya keliatan lebih pudar jadi butuh touch up sedikit. Tapi lebih bagus lagi kalau kamu udah set kelopak mata pakai concealer/foundation+sedikit translucent powder.

Overall produk ini oke banget. Aku juga sudah pakai dari sekitar tahun 2011-2012 sampai sekarang. Aku udah ga hitung lagi berapa kali aku repurchase khususnya warna hitam dan putih. Untuk warna brown aku cuma repurchase sekitar 3-4x karena aku jarang pakai eyeliner coklat. Biasanya aku pakai eyeliner coklat kalau pakai eyeshadow warna soft untuk acara tertentu aja. Sehari-hari aku skip eyeshadow dan pakai eyeliner hitam+sedikit touch eyeliner putih. Menurutku eyeliner hitam udah cukup untuk membuat mata terlihat lebih tajam.

Loves :
Tekstur creamy
Tidak terlalu keras/terlalu lembek
Cepat set
Warna intense
Tahan lama
Tidak perlu rautan
Packaging simple tapi strong

Hates :
Sering macet saat mengeluarkan produk
Harus beli online karena di Kediri ga ada counter Etude House T.T

Overall Rating : 5/5 
Price : around IDR 40-50k
Netto : 7grams
Gonna repurchase? YES!

Review : Etude House Dear Darling Tint in Real Red

Review : Etude House Dear Darling Tint in Real Red

Hallo, apa kabar?
Kali ini aku ngereview lip tint yang sebenernya bukan produk baru, tapi ini termasuk holy grail-ku dan ini udah aku repurchase 4x.  Produk lip tint apa? Etude House Dear Darling Tint in Real Red.

Product Description :
How to use :
Put adequate amount of contents on the lip from inward to outward.
1. Apply lipbalm
2. Draw lip line with a concealer
3. Apply tint from inward to outward

4. Apply lip gloss after the lips are dry

Shades available:
#1 Berry Red
#2 Real Red
#3 Orange Red
#4 Vampire Red

Packagingnya simpel, tube transparan dengan tutup berwarna peachy pink. Simple tapi cukup princessy khas packaging produk Etude. Wand alias aplikatornya lembut dan berbentuk miring dan runcing gitu jadi memudahkan untuk diaplikasikan sampai sudut bibir. Gagangnya juga panjang, jadi bisa menjangkau sampai dasar tetes lip tint terakhir xD

Harga, tekstur, aroma dan hasil akhirnya. Teksturnya cair dan mudah di spread. Langsung menyerap jadi hasilnya ya seperti lip tint kebanyakan yang memang untuk tampil natural seperti warna asli bibir. Tapi karena teksturnya jelly jadi tint ini bakal susah di spread kalau kamu ga pakai lip balm sebelumnya atau ada dry patch di bibir. Aromanya menurutku kaya ada manisnya tapi rasanya bweh pahit. Harganya sih terjangkau karena satu botol itu aku bisa pakai lumayan lama. Apalagi sekarang banyak banget online shop yang jual produk ini otomatis harga jadi bersaing gitu. Tapi hati-hati ya produk Etude mulai ada palsunya, biasanya produk Etude palsu itu harganya murah banget dan dijual grosiran.

Warna yang aku pilih real red, jadi bener-bener merah terang gitu, kalau kamu suka merah yang agak gelap bisa pilih shade vampire red. Shade lain Dear Darling Tint ini adalah orange dan pink. Untuk warna pink masuk sih dikulitku tapi aku rada kurang sreg gitu, lebih suka warna merah karena lebih keliatan fresh dikulitku yang skintone kuning dan cenderung pucat. Dan aku sama sekali ga cocok pakai warna orange, apapun itu mau lipstik, lip tint pokoknya semua lipcolor orange ga cocok huhuhuhu.

Tahan lama ga sih? Sebenernya ketahanan lip tint ini lumayan oke, sekitar 4-5 jam. Dan ga transfer ke gelas/sedotan dan kadang kalau aku buat makan/minum biasa masih oke kok. Tapi kalau makannya heboh, makan berminyak gitu ya bubar deh, harus reapply lagi. Saranku sebelum pakai liptint, bibir discrub dulu biar kulit matinya terangkat terus aplikasikan lipbalm baru liptint. Aku suka aplikasikan di bagian bawah doank gitu 1 garis terus diratakan pakai jari dan aku ulang sampai 2-3 kali.

Love :
Warna nyata tapi tetap natural
Tahan lama
Tekstur mudah di spread
Ga buisa rata kalau ada dry patchAromanya manis
Aplikator lembut
Simpel strong packaging
Isi lumayan banyak
Harga terjangkau

Hate :
Rasanya pahit xD
Mesti beli online krn di Kediri belum ada counter Etude :(

Overall Rating : 5/5 
Price : IDR54k
Netto : 4.5g
Where to Get : Etude House Counter or try BeautyKorea at ELEVENIA.co.id
Gonna repurchase? Yes!

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer #1 Pure

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Nymph Aura Volumer #1 Pure

click to enlarge
Hi ladies :)
Do you see the pictures above? That's a highlighter from Etude House named Nymph Aura Volumer and I got mine in #1 Pure.
Thanks SOcuteSHopaholic for sent me sample of this product :) Okay, I'm gonna start the review! :D
perfect match!

use the product on cheekbone and nose bridge
Product description :
Nymph Aura Volumer is a makeup Multi-Cream maximizing the radiance and dewy glow on skin, completing flawless skin with plumped up moisture.
Directions : 
Apply evenly on skin with 1:3 mix of BB cream or foundation. Use foundation brush or BB brush to get perfect blending. When used for highlighting, apply on the nose, forehead, and cheekbones with the Volumer alone.
Variants Available :
#1 Pure
#2 Brilliant
#3 Transparent

I love to mix this product with Etude House BBDation in W13 (you can read the review by clicking my REVIEW page). This product give me dewy finish instantly. I notice some sweet scent when applying this product on my face. The texture is sticky, I'm not gonna use it alone under my make up. The texture is like honey. Once I applied loose powder under this highlighter to set my make up, but I found the loose powder just like glued on this :( Too bad.. So I use pressed powder and just dab-dab-dab to set my make up. Talking about the staying power, it stay for 4 hours on me. This product not recommended for oily skin. But its okay for dry skin to create better skin complexion by adding some highlighter. 

What I love :

Give me dewy effect
Good match for my bb cream
Nice staying power

What I hate :

Sticky texture

Overall Rating : 3 / 5 
Where to buy : SOcuteSHopaholic
Gonna repurchase? I think I would try another highlighter

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Precious Mineral BB Dation in W13 + Selca

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Precious Mineral BB Dation in W13 + Selca

Hello :D
I bring new review of BB Cream, its been a long time since I wrote my last review about bb cream, right? :)
And few times ago, SOcuteSHopaholic sent me a sample..
So here's Etude House Precious Mineral BB Dation in W13. Let's start from the pictures, you can see the official picture of this product, color system, swatch, special applicator and the last is selca of me using this bb cream :)
official picture + color system
the sample version

Product description :
BBdation, a new revolutionary face make-up product that combines the perfect seamless fitting of BB Cream and luminous coverage of Foundation, its formula contains mineral powder coated with Hydro Essence Gel that nourishes and brightens complexion. Application of this makeup makes skin appear healthier, smoother, and dramatically refined.

Variants available :
No.2 (cool undertone, light beige)
W13 (warm undertone, natural beige)
W24 (warm undertone, honey beige)

I heard that this bb cream have special applicator named Real Hand Touch. Here's the picture :
Applicator description :
Real Hand Touch, a revolutionary applicator for BBdation. Simply push the button to experience the applicator's sponge glide effortlessly across skin for seamless blendability and perfect coverage. Also comes with the benefit of 8,500 micro-vibrations for healthy stimulation and soft and supple skin.

My color is W13, which is have warm undertone in light yellow color. Its blends perfectly with my skin tone and give me better complexion. It has SPF40 and PA+++, really good for tropic area like Indonesia. But I never skip to apply sunblock before use this product, just to make sure I have good and strong protection from UV rays. The coverage is medium to full, you can build the coverage like what you want. It can cover my acne scars and some dark spot on my skin. And the finish result is matte. The staying power? Good, it stays for 6 hours on me.

I really love dewy finish than matte finish, so usually I mix BB Dation in W13 with Etude House Nymph Aura in #2 (I will review this product on next post). I once applied this bb cream using clear finger and the result is bad :( The texture make it dries fast. But don't worry, to solve this problem, try to mix this bb cream with your favorite moisturizer. Use ratio bb cream : moisturizer = 2 : 1. I love applying this bb cream using foundation brush, the result is more natural and smooth. For whitening claims, I didn't find any whitening effect on my face.

For you who want to try the full version, it seems like BBDation have good bottle. Its strong enough and comes with pump. Don't forget to try the applicator too.

What I love :
Match with my skin tone
Give me better complexion
Brighten my face
Smooth finish result
Has SPF 40 and PA +++
Medium-full coverage
Good staying power

What I hate :
Matte finish, but you can add highlighter after use this bb cream
Didn't give any whitening effect

Overall Rating : 4 / 5 
Where to get : SOcuteSHopaholic.com
Gonna repurchase? Yes.

I took some photos when I wear this product :)

forgive my weird expression xD

- Hada Labo Shirojyun Series
- Skin Aqua UV Moisture Milk SPF 50 PA+++
- Etude House Precious Mineral BBDation in W13
- Marcks ORI Loose Powder in Yellow

- LipIce Sheer Color
- Sariayu Lipstick in Lasem 01

- Sariayu Eyeshadow Bena
- Oriflame Smooth Definer Eyeliner in Black

You can search the reviews of my products that I mentioned above in REVIEW page. Okay, see you on next post! :D

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash in Choco Milk

Review/Sponsored : Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash in Choco Milk

Hello everybody :D
Say hello to Etude House Milk Talk Body Wash in Choco Milk :D
SOcuteSHopaholic sent me sample of this product and surprisingly I loveee this product so much! I falling in love with the scent! :3
the variants

the sample
Product description :
Moisturizing body wash supplies rich foam, texture and fragrant scent for soft, cleansed skin. Milk extract makes moist body and sweet scent makes feeling better.
Variants available :
1. Strawberry Milk
2. Banana Milk
3. Apple Milk
4. Steam Milk
5. Choco Milk
I love everything with chocolate scent, I already make a review of my favorite body lotion, Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow Body Lotion and now I found this body wash in chocolate scent :* I think the smell is more like Hazelnut Chocolate than Chocolate Milk. As you can see it has light texture but give me sooooo much foam. It makes my skin smooth, not drying. Unfortunately the scent is not long lasting. I notice the smell stays not more than 2 hours. Of course the smell stays better when I apply my chocolate body lotion after taking a bath.

The full version comes in round and cute bottle. You can buy cute sponge depend on your favorite variants. Omo.. I want the strawberry one! I think I would not use the sponge since its too cute, lol~ I found put the sponge on top of your body wash bottle is cute idea. Really want to purchase the full version and try Steam Milk. I heard Steam Milk has soft scent just like baby powder u,u

What I love :
Light texture
Give me much foam
Lovable scent
Moisturizing formula

What I hate :
The scent not long lasting

Netto : 3 ml (sample) and 200 ml (full version)
Where to get : SOcuteSHopaholic
Overall Rating : 4 / 5 
Gonna repurchase? Yes and I want to try Steam Milk