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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Blogging. Tampilkan semua postingan
ChitChat : Blogging Resolution

ChitChat : Blogging Resolution

Hallo ^^
Kali ini aku ga ngomongin make up atau parenting, tapi sekedar chitchat aja. Lama banget rasanya aku ga cuap-cuap di blog ini karena emang blog ini aku khususkan buat review produk dan kasih tips-tips tentang kecantikan dan parenting. Aku ga mau isinya campur aduk sama curhatan, terkesan ga rapi jadinya. Iya sih ada fitur label jadi pembaca bisa pilih post yang diinginkan tapi tetap aja gimana gitu menurutku.

Awalnya aku buat blog di blogspot ini gara-gara ada tugas waktu SMA. Kalau diperhatikan post-post awal isinya ga jelas curhatan-curhatan ga penting, review produk juga fotonya ada yang ngeblur, Bahasa Inggris pas-pasan pula hahahaha. Meski sebenarnya ini bukan blog pertamaku, tapi ini satu-satunya blogku yang masih bertahan sampai saat ini.

Dulu blog ini di URLnya candra-nomorabsen.blogspot.com karena emang buat tugas sekolah. Setelah dinilai aku ganti jadi chaaoi.blogspot.com. Alasanya? Karena ear catching aja menurutku hahaha, maklum dulu masih labil *blush*. Terus kenapa sekarang ganti elainecandra.blogspot.com? Ya karena ingin lebih personal aja gitu dan lebih mudah diingat juga daripada chaaoi. Dulu pakai Bahasa Inggris (yang masih kaku kaku) sekarang aku lebih prefer pakai Bahasa Indonesia aja biar reviewnya lebih rinci dan jelas. Meski emang kadang beberapa kosakata dalam make up lebih enak pakai bahasa Inggris sih. Contohnya gaya make up dewy, kalau di translate ke Bahasa Indonesia jadi apa? Bingung kan :(

FYI, aku sempet vakum lama hampir 2 tahun dari dunia blogging karena sibuk urus baby. Begitu balik ngeblog dan ganti URL sempet ngerasa blogku jadi sepi lagi kaya pertama buat dulu. Trus aku sempet blogwalking ke blog-blog yang jaman dulu sering aku baca. Rata-rata udah ga aktif ternyata :( tapi beberapa blogger yang dulu masih blogger newbie sekarang jadi blogger terkenal. Woa, bikin makin semangat ngeblog lagi rasanya. Meski blogku belum seramai dulu lagi (dulu juga ga ramai amat sih sebenernya hihi) tapi jadi semangat nulis lagi. Berarti harus bener-bener meluangkan waktu khusus karena ngeblog sambil urus baby itu lumayan susah. Waktu baby tidur masih ada kerjaan rumah yang numpuk, udah selesai beberes rumah eh baby udah bangun, waktu malam baby tidur aku juga udah capek jadi ikutan tidur hohoho.

Enjoy banget rasanya blogwalking, tapi sekarang yang jarang dilakuin tukar link sih. Dulu sering banget tukar link sama sesama blogger gitu haha sampai daftar link aku buat satu halaman khusus yang sekarang masih ada, bisa di klik BLOGMATES.

Yang berubah dari blog ini selain url juga niche/topik yang aku bahas. Dulu kayanya aku full bahas produk kecantikan, tips ala-ala, pokoknya ga jauh dari make up. Sekarang aku tambah 1 topik lagi yaitu parenting. Memang aku bukan pakar parenting, ilmu parenting juga cetek banget. Tujuanku sebenarnya ingin sharing. Sharing ilmu yang aku punya dan menyerap ilmu dari orang tua lain juga. Semoga aku bisa lancar tulis tentang parenting disini. Btw, aku juga ganti theme blog loh. Dulu serba pink dan kadang rada ribet sekarang lebih suka yang simpel, clean gini. Tapi tetap ada rose rosenya, pink pinknya hehe.

Then, aku mau tulis resolusi blogging tahun 2016 ini :
1. Menulis review lebih rinci lagi.
2. Membuat gambar/foto yang lebih bagus lagi.
3. Lebih produktif paling ga sebulan ada 2 post.
4. Lebih sering blogwalking.
5. Cepet selesaiin draft yang numpuk hahaha.
6. Beli domain.

Oke deh selesai cuap-cuapnya. See you on my next post.

Tag : This or That

Tag : This or That

I got this tag from Belliani Bebe. Thank you! It seems interesting :D

Blush or Bronzer?
Lipgloss or Lipstick? 
Chapstick or Lipbalm?
Matte or Sparkle eye shadow? 
Sparkle. I love shimmer! :D
Gel,Liquid,Cream, or Pencil eyeline?
Foundation or Concealer?
Neutral or Statement Eyes?
Liquid or Powder Foundation?
I use BB Cream :D
Winged or Rimmed Liner?
Rimmed. Looks more cute :3
Pressed or Loose Shadows?

Neon,Pastels or Glitter Nail?
Long or Short?
Acrylic or Natural?
Matte or Shiny?
Go for Manicures or Manicure yourself?
Do it by my self~

Perfume or Body Splash?
Lotion or Body Butter?
Lotion. Cause it has light texture~
Body Wash or Soap?
Body Wash
Fruity or Flowery Scents?
Natural or Synthetic products?

Jeans or Sweat Pants? 
Long Sleeve or Short? 
Dresses or Skirts? 
Stripes or Plaid? 
Tunics or Tshirts?
Flip flops or Sandals?
Scarves or Hats?
Studs or Dangling Earrings?
Necklace or Bracelets?
Heels or Flats?
Jacket or Hoodie?

Curly or Straight?
Bun or Ponytail?
Bobby pins or Butterfly clips?
Booby pins
Hair Spray or Gel?
Hair Spray
Long or Short?
Light or Dark?
Side Sweep bangs or Full Bangs?
Full Bangs for get cute look~

Rain or Shine?
Rainy days 
Summer or Winter?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Pool or Beach?
Mall or Online Shopping?
Coke or Pepsi?
Donuts or Pastry? 

7th Award : The Versatile Blogger Award from Xiao Vee

7th Award : The Versatile Blogger Award from Xiao Vee

Annyeonghaseyo (=^・ェ・^=)
Xiao Vee gave me an award. Its my 7th award, yeeey! :D Thank you so much Dear Xiao Vee :)

These are 5 rules of Versatile Award :
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let the nominated know what they have been nominated for this award
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

7 random facts about me :
1. Always using whitening skincare.
2. I love everything PINK.
3. Ambitious + perfectionist
4. I love doing hair/skin treatment by myself (I hate sitting for hours in salon/beauty clinic)
5. Love chocolate and cappuccino a LOT :D
6. Sometimes insomnia attacks me >.<
7. Never skip a day without listening any Super Junior's songs. Its been 6 years and I never feel bored, lol~

I've already received and gave this award to some peoples. But if you are interested with this award. Then I'll tag YOU♥. So enjoy this award and once again I say thank you for Xiao Vee. :D

6th Award : Liebster Blog Award

6th Award : Liebster Blog Award

Pearl gave this cute award for me. Thank you! :D Danke!

About Liebster Blog Award :

• The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
• The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
The Rules :
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs! 

11 Things About Me
1. Chocolate and coffee lover!
2. I love texting.
3. Updating my facebook account rarely but updated my twitter account almost everyday.
4. Ulzzang wanna-be *lol*
5. Crazy about pink pink pink things.
6. Love taking selcas (self photos).
7. Always being too serious about skin care.
8. Listening to K-Pop very often.
9. Obsessed with natural flawless glowing skin like Korean girls.
10. I love mix and match clothes to create my own style.
11. Love making doodles.

Pearl's Questions

1. Are you more of a "day person" or a night person?
Both, lol. Sometimes I get insomnia and being night person.
2. If you don't plan on leaving the house, are you the type of person to get dressed and primp anyway?
No. I only do my skincare routine (without my make up routine) if I only stay at home. And I wear t-shirt and short jeans a lot at home.
3. Do you ever write letters?
If email is count, yes, I do.
4. If you could have any super power, which would it be?
Forever young and super jenious maybe? lol~
5. Do you have any stuffed animals?
I have one, my bee.
6. Are you comfortable around people that you don't know? (Imagine that you're at a party where you don't know anyone. Can you make friends instantly, or are you socially awkward?)
Depends on my mood :p
7. Do you prefer to wrap gifts or just use gift bags? x)
Wrap gifts to make it more cute but gift bags sounds nice too.
8. Do you think there's anything wrong with photoshopping pictures?
No, its normally normal (?)
9. Do you wear high-heeled shoes often?
Yes, a lot. xD
10. Do you write in a diary?
I write online diary :D
11. Do you get enough sleep?
Sometimes yes.

My Questions for You!
1. Song that you hear very often nowadays?
2. Foreign language(s) that you know?
3. Your everyday make up?
4. What's your pet names?
5. Do you loves Super Junior?
6. The best sad song that make you always cry?
7. Your favorite cartoon character?
8. Do you change your facebook status very often?
9. Your favorite perfume?
10. Your favorite blog?
11. Choose 3 words to describe your personality!

And I tag..
1. Gita
2. Yevi Ng
3. Monica
4. Irah Noor Khan
5. Yohana Novemita
6. Nohaa
7. Piccha
8. Nurin
9. Nurul Assilah
10. Bethany
11. Viviquelle

11 Random Things About Me Tagged by Gita

11 Random Things About Me Tagged by Gita

Annyeong~  Hello~
Thanks for Gita who tagged me. I already wrote post about this before, but its so fun to tell about your self so.. I do it again! xD

  1. Buat posting dengan judul 11 Random Things About Me 
  2. Trus, tulisin siapa yang menge-tag kalian
  3. Lalu buat 11 hal random tentang kamu. boleh apaaa aja.. namanya juga random ^^
  4. Jawab 11 pertanyaan dari orang yang nge-tag kamu
  5. Tag 11 teman kamu buat ikutan main ini
  6. Jangan lupa, kasih tau di blog temanmu yang sudah kamu tag, biar dia bisa ikutan maen jugaa..
  7. Jangan lupa, tuliskan juga aturan mainnya, biar permainan ini ga putus di kamu yaa..
The rules wrote in Bahasa Indonesia, I will answer the question using Bahasa Indonesia too. But I love writing in English, aa.. >.< Let's use 2 languages for better (?) result, lol~

And here's 11 random things about me :
1. I love watching k-drama
Yes, everyone knows that I love Korean language, K-Pop, everything about Korea.
2. I learn Korean language by myself
Because I can't find Korean language course, I learn it by myself. So pardon me for my 'amateur' Korean language :P
3. I wear skinny jeans a lot
Because skinny jeans make me looks more tall and thin, kekeke~ Plus I can mix skinny jeans with any kind of shoes : flat shoes, high heels, wedges, or sandals!
4. I love vintage things with laces and ribbons.
5. Eating in small serving
Really. For breakfast I only drink a glass of milk and one whole wheat bread. For lunch and dinner, usually I skip carbohydrate *yes, its bad. My Mom tells me for thousand times* and fill my stomach with small size of meat or boiled/scrambled egg to get enough protein, and a lot of vegetables/fruit. For some people it seems like I do diet or trying to kill my self *lol*, but its not. I enjoyed my menu everyday.
6. I drink a lot
I drink water for about 1-1,5 liters a day. I drink more in super sunny/tired day.
7. I love spraying vanilla or any sweet scents all over my room
8. Wear mask three times a week with different mask each times, lol~
9. Recently I falling in love with EXO (boyband from South Korea) especially KRIS! But I never leave Super Junior xD
10. I tweet a lot nowadays. Follow me! @q_chaoi
11. I have fairest skin in my family. Its why people always staring at me when I walk with my parent/siblings =,=

Here's 11 questions from Gita.
1. sekarang kan yg lagi beken produk makeup dari jepang, korea, dan barat... kalian lebih prefer mana? alesannya?
Produk Korea. Soalnya lebih cocok sama kulitku, banyak macemnya, packagingnya lucu-lucu, harganya juga masih terjangkau.

2. menurut kalian worth gak membeli makeup dengan harga selangit, misal, untuk lipstik 200rb, untuk blush on 300rb? alesannya?
Well, what you get is what you pay. Kalau emang produknya bagus dan kamu butuh, kenapa enggak? :)

3. paling sering menghabiskan uang ke makeup ato fashion? alesannya?
Sama rata sih. Soalnya aku punya 'jadwal' kapan beli make up, kapan beli baju, sepatu, blablabla.

4. gimana sih style yang "kamu banget"? (baju,sepatu,dll) hehehe...
Korean style yang simple, girly, kebanyakan pake warna-warna pastel soalnya cocok dikulitku. Warna pastel ga keliatan terlalu kontras dikulitku yang pucet, I love it! :D

5. produk makeup pilihan kamu apa? (boleh lebih dari satu) dan alesannya apa?
Buanyak! haha~ Pilih Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream aja deh. Soalnya ini product coveragenya bagus, SPFnya tinggi, dewy finish.

6. produk skincare pilihan kamu apa? (boleh lebih dari satu) dan alesannya apa?
Garnier Light Series. Aku pakai semua, mulai dari facial wash, day and night cream, mask, pressed powder, etc. Soalnya cocok di kulit, bikin lebih putih juga.

7. apa aja yang harus selalu ada di tas kamu kalo pergi?
BB Cream, bedak, eyeliner, tinted lip balm, parfum, sisir *rempong*

8. produk makeup apa yg selalu kamu bawa pergi?
Kaya nomor 7.

9. menurut kalian body lotion itu penting ato malah bahaya? denger2 malah bahaya, bisa bikin kanker kulit...
Penting, biar ga bikin kulit kering. Aku ga pernah denger body lotion bisa bikin kanker kulit :O

10. menurut kalian sendiri, kalian itu boros gak? hehehe...
Gak, soalnya semua serba terencana *tseh*

11. menurut kalian gimana cara menanggulangi "kanker" alias kantong kering?
Nabung lah, sama tahan godaan xD

Sorry for breaking the rules. I just wrote 11 things about me and answer the question. But once again, thanks Gita :)

Photos + Tagged by Flow and My Lovely Sister

Photos + Tagged by Flow and My Lovely Sister

Hello people~ How's life lately?
School stuffs make me crazeeeh! So its why I need refreshing. I wrote two blog post today, kekeke~ 
I really miss the moment when I can write everything randomly in my blog. So lets start the randomness~ eheh~

First, about a tag from Flow. Btw, check her blog, you'll find cute nail art : click Hearts Made. Also I tagged by My Lovely Sister. Sorry because I break the rules, but I love answer questions about my self~

11 Random Things About Me
  1. My blood type is AB. Many people said that I growing up just like bad and unique AB type (yup, they also told that have characters like Super Junior's Kim Heechul). I have my own way to learn life. Can't get what I mean? Just googling about AB characters
  2. I love taking photos but for me, selca is the best way to capture my self. I can't act more when someone take my photo. Weird =,=
  3. Plegmatis.
  4. My fave beauty guru at youtube : Bubzbeauty, Michelle Phan, Klaire de Lys.
  5. I loves make up! I prefer art make up which use many colors. I always add pink every time I wear make up~
  6. Many people looking at me because I have super pale yellowish skin and brown hair. Now I dyed my hair black but its make my skin looks paler, woaaah whats wrong? 
  7. I wear circle lens everyday
  8. I wash my hair everyday because I hate bad hair day
  9. I love to use baby's product. I use baby's shampoo, soap, hair tonic, cologne, powder even baby's lotion, kekeke~
  10. Person who knows everything about me are : my brothers Mikael Bintang, Adrian Julius and my best friend Tata.
  11. I have online shop : PinkChaoi Shop.

11 Questions from Flow

1. What's your must have make up item? :D
♥ I have obsession with ulzzang so I can't life without foundation, baby loose powder, lip tint and black circle lens~
2. Why did you decided to make a blog?
♥ Because I love writing random posts about me, uploading my photos, and ofc I love reviewing many beauty stuffs.
3. If you were an animal, what kind of animal that you would be?
♥ Cute white rabbit
4. What is you biggest pet peeves?
♥ I only have some hamsters and they are cute at all
5. Make up or nail art?
♥ Make up
6. Are you more like your dad or your mom?
♥ Both.
7. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
♥ 15 minutes for taking a bath and 15 minutes for make up
8. What is your favorite kind of clothing?
♥ Simple, cute and I wear skinny jeans a lot
9. Who is your inspiration?
♥ Super Junior and SNSD
10. If you could have one of your wish granted, what would it be?
♥ Reach all my dreams~
11. Do you like to read? If yes, what kind of book? :D
♥ I love every books, I read science books until fantasy books like Twilight or teenlit.

11 Questions from My Lovely Sister
1. What is your favourite mascara? Why?
Sariayu Duo Eye Make Up Mascara. Cheap and easy to get. Give me natural thick and long lashes, doesn't clump.
2. What is your favourite film? Why?
♥ Eung.. I have more than one, kekeke~ Maybe "The Twilight Saga", I already falling in love with this novel and then the movie~
3. What is your best chilhood memory?
♥ When I watching the rain with my brothers.
4. What do you want to learn and why?
♥ Many languages! Because I love travelling~
5. Who is your favourite blogger?
♥ Justine from DollJustine.com
6. What are the things that make you happy? Please explain
♥ Skincare, make up and my laptop. Because I can do anything fun with it.
7. What is the body part that you hate the most?
♥ Eung? From my body? maybe my flat nose =,=
8. What is the best thing that happen in your life?
♥ I met my best friends
9. Where do you get your fashion tips and inspiration from?
♥ Ulzzang photos. You can find it easily on the net.
10. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
♥ No.
11. What is the most important thing in your life?

♥ God, my family, friends, and him.

Then, lets move to the photos~
I took some photos with my friend, Tata few days ago when we hanging out together.

See how pale my skin is? Meeh~ =,=
Goodbye for now, wish me luck~

The Seven Shadow Award

The Seven Shadow Award

Heyya~ i'm back again~
I have a lot homeworks to do. But yah 5-10 minutes just for update my blog, its not a big problem *sob*

I got award from Biologid. Visit this blog for get information about biology. I'll continue using Bahasa Indonesia.

1. Ceritakan sedikit tentang siapa yang memberi Award.
2. Award ini tanpa batas karena bersifat estafet.
3.Yang menerima diharapkan membagikan kepada 7 (tujuh) teman blog terbaiknya.
4. Berikan ucapan terima kasih kepada si pemberi award. 

Aku dapet dari pemilik blog yang useful banget blognya. Ada banyak banget artikel biologi disana. Mampir deh kalau butuh referensi biologi ;) Terima kasih udah kasih aku award :D

Jujur aja aku bingung mau kasih award ini ke siapa, jadi kalau kamu mau, aku bakalan dengan senang hati ngasih, kekekeke~ Just leave a comment :)

[SUJU Challenge] 29 : An SJ song that you never get tired of

[SUJU Challenge] 29 : An SJ song that you never get tired of