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Tampilkan postingan dengan label BRAND : Wardah. Tampilkan semua postingan


Hallo beb , jadi aku dapet kesempatan dari Beautygoers nih beb ceritanya kali ini aku dapet Challange dari Tari untuk membuat 100K Makeup Challangeulalaaa , gimana caranya kita makeup dengan budget 100K ? Penasaran kaaan beb ? cuss lanjut... Sesuai dengan temanya, aku bakal cari produk-produk makeup yang harganya murah banget , bagus dan tentunya aman untuk dipakai ke wajah kita ya beb.

Step 1 : Base Makeup 
Hmm.. jujur sulit banget nentuin base makeup karena aku emang beneran gak tau yang murah dan bagus itu apa huhu. Pada akhirnya aku memutuskan pakai Garnier Light Complete White Speed yang bentuknya sachet haha ini guys. Awalnya ketika aku oles diwajahku ini langsung matte gitu hasilnya ya lumayan kan buat jadi primer makeupku selanjutnya hehe.
Harga : Rp. 3000

Step 2 : Makeup
Face : Aku menggunakan Purbasari Alas Bedak/Foundation shade 03 Kuning Langsat . Seriusan ya aku baru banget pertama kali banget pake foundation ini , amaze banget sih sama hasilnya, baguuuuuus banget beb ini walaupun harganya murah banget untuk ukuran foundation tapi seriusan ini bagus. Pertama aku pake foundation ini aku masih ngerasa warnanya perlu aku campur dengan yang lebih gelap tapi kan aku gak bisa untuk campur lagi karena budgetnya harus 100K akhirnyaaaaa  aku set pake Powder dari Wardah Shade 03 dan bagus beb flawless banget hasilnya , gak terlalu terang lagi seperti sebelum aku set pakai powder ini. Terakhir aku pakai blush on dan eyeshadow dari viva cosmetics yang shadenya pink gitu hehe karena punyanya ini beb .

Harga Foundation : Rp. 9000
Harga Powder Wardah : Rp. 30.000
Harga Blush On : Rp.6000

Eyes : Nah, bagian alis nih beb aku menggunakan pensil alis dari JustMiss yang shade coklat, taugaksihhh ini bagus banget , pigmented pula gak perlu diteken keras-keras warnanya keluar banget seriusan deh wajib coba nih murah banget tentunya. Oiya akujuga pakai mascara dari Essence niy beb lumayan sih selain harganya murah , inijuga bisa membuat bulumata lebih lentik juga loh beb. Selain itu akujuga pake eyelash no brand gitu nih bagus banget human hair lembut enak dipakai juga gak berat dan gak nusuk-nusuk.
Harga Pensil Alis : Rp. 5000
Harga Eyelash : Rp. 10.000
Harga Mascara Essence : Rp. 19.000

 Lips : Nahhh , disini aku pakai lipstik arab beb , inget banget jaman smp kesekolah selalu bawa lipstik arab karena ini sekali oles warnanya keluar banget wqwq murah juga ini loh beb. etss lupa nih, jadi aku pada saat aplikasikan fondi dan blush on tadi aku pakai brush ini ya beb multifungsi juga loh ini brush.

Harga Lipstik Arab : Rp.3000
Tools Brush : Rp. 15.000

Daaaaan inilah  final looknya dari "100K Makeup Challange" versi aku . Yashhhhh!

Nah ini Before - After 100K Makeup Challange versi aku .

Detail Look ini ya beb, karena bulumata bawah aku sangat minimalis jadi aku gak terlalu kasih banyak mascara , takutnya lumeeeer beb hehe

Eyelook aku lebih jelasnya ini beb , lumayan banget pakai bulumata tanpa lem tambahan , super lama nempelinnya haha

Lumayan bangetkaan beb , dengan 100K kita sudah bisa makeup yang kereen bisa untuk ke acara atau ke pesta nih simple banget makeupnya cuma 100k Beeeeeb. Nah kali ini aku mau liat nih produk apa aja yang beb Ayu Komang nih untuk bikin look " 100K Makeup Challange " . 

Sekian dulu tutorial 100K Makeup Challange versi aku kali ini , dan ini semoga menjadi referensi makeup kalian dengan minim budget beb.

Instagram : Beautygoers
Blog : Beautygoers

Review : Wardah Lipbalm Strawberry

Review : Wardah Lipbalm Strawberry

Hallo :D
Gimana kabarnya?
Aku mau kasih review benda yang selalu ada di makeup pouch cewe-cewe, yap LIPBALM. Aku tertarik cobain lipbalm dari Wardah ini karena cocok banget sama skincare dan kosmetik lightening seriesnya. Apa produk ini juga cocok di aku? Yuk scroll :D
Deskripsi produk :
Pelembab bibir dengan strawberry fragrance yang diformulasikan untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban bibir karena mengandung jojoba oil, olive oil dan squalane. Dilengkapi dengan bahan anti UV yang melindungi bibir dari paparan sinar matahari dan vitamin E yang berfungsi sebagai anti oksidan. Bibir akan terasa lebih lembut, lembab dan berkilau.

Melembabkan, menutrisi dan merawat bibir
Dilengkapi SPF 15 sebagai UV Protection
Beraroma buah segar
Mengatasi bibir pecah-pecah
Memelihara kehalusan bibir

Cara Pakai :
Gunakan setiap hari (terutama di malam hari sebelum tidur) pada bibir yang telah dibersihkan

Varian :

Packagingnya berbentuk jar. Design kartonnya sih lumayan lucu ada pattern polkadot dan didominasi warna sesuai variannya, untuk strawberry warnanya putih-peachy pink. Design produknya plain banget menurutku. Jar bentuk bulat kecil dengan tutup transparan, dibaliknya ada nama produk, varian, batch no dan expired date. Karena tutupnya transparan kita bisa lihat langsung isi produknya. Tidak tersedia aplikator jadi kalau mau colek perhatikan kebersihan jarimu ya. Sedikit repot saat dipakai karena harus pakai jari, tapi travel friendly karena kecil kemasannya. 

Teksturnya ga terlalu berminyak dan lembut waktu dicolek dari jarnya. Lembut tapi ga lembek ya. Sedikit kesat jadi butuh beberapa colekan untuk melembabkan seluruh bibir. Ada wangi strawberry yang manis banget tapi ga bikin eneg, aku suka wanginya. Lipbalm ini sama sekali ga memberikan efek glossy di aku. Meski di jar keliatan warnanya merah, lip balm ini ga mengandung warna sama sekali.

Efek melembabkannya menurutku kurang. Aku ga rekomendasiin produk ini untuk yang bener-bener punya dry lips. Tahan kurang lebih 2-3 jam tanpa makan minum ya. Setelah makan berat wajib touch up. Aku coba aplikasikan lipbalm ini sebelum menggunakan matte lipstick merk Mirabella yang hasil akhirnya dead matte, hasilnya mengecewakan :( mungkin karena moisturizing power dari produk ini yang kurang nampol akhirnya bibir tetap keliatan kering. Jadi sebaiknya lipbalm ini digunakan sebelum memakai lipstick yang juga moisturizing powernya oke misal lipstick dengan satin finish.

Overall aku ga terlalu suka produk ini karena kurang melembabkan. Tapi aku suka wanginya plus ini sudah ada UV protectionnya sebagai nilai tambah. Akhirnya lipbalm ini tetap bertengger di meja riasku dan aku pakai kalau mau tidur aja (seperti saran di webnya). Untuk melembabkan bibir sebelum apply lipstick aku tetap pakai Wardah Lipgloss yang moisturizing powernya better dari produk ini.

What I love :
Tekstur lembut
Bau strawberrynya enak
Travel friendly karena kemasannya kecil
Mengandung SPF15

What I hate :
Moisturizing power kurang
Plain packaging
Kesat jadi harus apply beberapa kali
Ga tahan lama

Overall Rating : 1/5 
Gonna repurchase? No.
Harga : sekitar IDR 20.000
Official Web : Wardah Beauty

Review : Wardah Lip Gloss

Review : Wardah Lip Gloss

Hello everybody :D
Who loves glossy lips? :D
I bring another rveiw from Wardah. I really loves this locale brand. Not because its halal, it also has good quality.

Product description:
Moisturizes and nourishes lips
Extra moisturizing Jojoba Oil and Squalane
Plus Vitamin E
Smoothening lip texture
Helps brighten lip color

How to use:
Apply thin layer evenly before using lipstick
Applicable for daily treatment in the morning and evening
Use regularly to keep lips moist, avoid cracking and stay healthy

Actually I don't love glossy wet lips. I bought this because I was asked the beauty advisor for lipbalm and she gave me this. After I read the description on the packaging and Wardah website, it apply before using lipstick to keep the lips moist. I think they should named it lipbalm than lipgloss?

The packaging is like another lipstick product from Wardah, just plain blue with silver color. Talking about the quality, its pretty good. Give me moisturized lips. First time I applied this lipgloss I got alot of oil, so glossy. The smell is like vitamin oil, with little bit sweet taste. But it absorbed quickly and leave moisturizing effect which I love. It reminds me of Sariayu lip balm. They have same white stick, super glossy finish, almost same smell, and the soft texture. But the moisturizing effect from Wardah Lipgloss not stay long.

I tried to apply this before using lipstick, the result is not glossy. For your information my lipstick has matte finish. I guess because it absorbed quickly so it won't change the texture of lipstick I use after. I prefer to use this product before go to bed, after brushing my teeth. In the morning I will get soft and moisturized lipstick. Bye bye flakky dry lip ;)

What I love :
Give moisturized effect
Contains useful oil and vitamin
Absorbed quickly
Cheap and easy to get

What I hate :
The smell
Too glossy finish
Plain packaging

Overall Rating : 3/5 
Gonna repurchase? No.

Review : Wardah Lightening Facial Serum

Review : Wardah Lightening Facial Serum

Hello :D
Now I'm 20 years old and I start to use face serum. Because my recently skincare is Wardah Lightening series, so I give it a try. So let's read the review of Wardah Lightening Facial Serum :)

Product description :
Face serum with Vitamin B3 to enlighten dull skin. Enriched with Vitamin E as an anti-oxidant that helps treat skin from damages caused by free radical materials. For brighter look skin.
Suitable for all skin types
Contains concentrated Vitamin B3 that helps enlighten skin and reduce dark spots
Other Ingredients: Vitamin E as anti-oxidant, Extra Aloe Vera and Hyaluronic Acid serves to moisturize face and keep skin moist.

How to use:
Rub gently on cleaned skin, use in the morning and evening before applying moisturizer
For usage with masking, pour mask paste and dissolve with a few drops of serum.

Actually Wardah has few serum like Purifying Serum and Hydrating Serum. But I use this Lightening because I has few darkspots. This serum comes in four small bottle in one packaging. Why they don't make the big one? Maybe one small bottle enough for one week. The price is cheap around IDR50k.

The texture is more like gel, super light and absorbs quickly. I just need a soybean amount for my whole face and neck because its really watery. I use this serum before Wardah Lightening Day Cream Step 2 or Wardah Lightening Night Cream Step 2. After using this serum for a week, I did find my skin look brighter. And my uneven skin tone look better. In the website says that you can mix this serum with face mask. I never do that, but it sound interesting maybe I will mix this serum with Viva Face Mask.

What I love :
Light texture
Brighten my skin
Better skin tone
Cheap and easy to get

What I hate :
It should come in 1 big packaging

Overall Rating : 4/5 
Price : Around IDR50k
Where to get : WardahShop.com
Official Website : WardahBeauty.com
Gonna repurchase? Yes.

Review : Wardah Lightening Creamy Foam

Review : Wardah Lightening Creamy Foam

source : WardahShop.com

source : WardahShop.com
Hello :D
How's your day? I always end my day with a good cleanser before sleep. And this is the latest lightening cleanser from Wardah, Lightening Creamy Foam.

Product description :
Soft facial foam, help to remove sebum and dirt in pores.
With Licorice extract, Vit B3 and Provit B5 to brighten and keep the skin moist.
Use everyday to get clean, smooth, fresh and brighter skin.
Gunakan setiap hari untuk kulit bersih, halus, segar, dan tampak lebih cerah.

How to use :
Squeze small amount on wet palm and massage to face. Rinse. Avoid eye area.

Comes in tube packaging with blue and white color. I love this creamy foam packaging then the original Lightening Facial Foam. The packaging isn't too big. The price is around IDR15k, so cheap and easy to get. I get mine in minimarket near my house.

The first impression about this cleanser : lovable creamy texture with nice smell. The texture is nice and turn into creamy foam on my wet face. I massage my skin for about 2 minutes in circular motion. Starts from my nose, cheek, chin, then forehead. I love the fresh and calm smell. My skin feel so soft and still moist after I rinse it. So fresh and clean.

What I love :
Nice smell
Lovable creamy texture
My skin still moist after use this cleanser
Give me brighter and smoother skin afterward
Good and strong packaging
Cheap but has good quality
Easy to get

What I hate :

Netto : 60ml
Overall Rating : 5/5
Price : Around IDR15k
Where to get : WardahShop.com
Official Website : WardahBeauty.com
Gonna repurchase? YES!

Review : Wardah Exclusive Lipstick #31 Rosewood and #32 Sheer Brown

Review : Wardah Exclusive Lipstick #31 Rosewood and #32 Sheer Brown

Hello :D
Lately I love wearing brown warm lipstick colour. I try this Wardah Exclusive Lipstick because I heard that this lipstick has good quality with cheap price. So lets check the review below :

Product description :
Enriched with Jojoba Oil and Squalene that helps moisturize lips, and Vitamin E to nourish lips.
Its high content of oil results a good glossy look on lips
Multicolor lipstick that gives optimal polish in a single stroke
Available in 27 colors

Maybe some people think that this color won't look good on 20's woman but I don't care. It can bright up my face without look too much. Some people believe if you want to achieve natural look, wear pink or another ligh lip color. But for me its tricky. I often see my face paler using pink lipstick. Even I wear warm pink color because I have warm undertone. I prefer red or another warm brown color. How to get natural look? Just dab dab until you get the perfect natural color. If you want more dramatic look? Apply bolder.

Back to Wardah Exclusive Lipstick, I choose number #31 Rosewood and #32 Sheer Brown. The number #31 is light brown with hint of red/orange. The #32 is sheer medium brown color. I love wearing those color when I dressed up like feminine, simple girl (wearing dress, wedges, etc). The finish result is glossy but not too much, not like lipgloss. It has moisturizing effect and beautiful color. But the minus point is the so-so staying power. The packaging is like old lipstick, just plain green with silver 'Wardah' merk. The product shade and name written in the bellow.

What I love :
Beautiful warm color
Give moisturizing effect
Glossy healthy look finish
Cheap and easy to get

What I hate :
So so staying power.
Plain packaging

Overall Rating : 4/5 
Gonna repurchase? Yes for another color :D

Review : Wardah Sunscreen Gel SPF30

Review : Wardah Sunscreen Gel SPF30

source www.wardahbeauty.com

Hello :D
Another review is coming :D
Now its time for sunscreen. Indonesia is a tropic country. I can't skip a day without sunscreen. I try Wardah Sunscreen Gel SPF30. I choose this brand because I've been in love with their Lightening skincare series.
Product description :

The new formula, gel-based sunscreen with soft application (non-sticky) and comforting skin 
Enriched with high SPF (SPF 30) for maximum skin protection from hazardous sunrays 
The most complete formula for sunscreen category with Double Protection for UV A and UV B, Aloe Vera and Pro Vitamin B5 as moisturizers and vitamin E as anti-oxidant 
Cool, moist and comforting skin 
Non-sticky, non-greasy and non-comedogenic soft gel, easily absorbed 

How to use: 
Apply thin layer evenly on cleaned skin 
Wait for 15 minutes before doing outdoor activities 
Repeat use after washing face or ablution 

Tips for Protected Healthy Skin: 
Make sure your face is clean before applying make-up and going out 
On hot weather, use protection such as hat, umbrella or eyewear to avoid direct sunlight to skin 
Do not forget to always apply sunscreen gel SPF 30 for every outdoor activity
Sunscreen is a substantial treatment product for those who live in tropical area (highly exposed to the sun)

It has nice gel texture, not sticky and absorbs quickly. Doesn't leave any white cast. But after a while I found my face look oily. And it make my make up run out. Usually I use this after my moisturizer, before put any make up base (like bb cream, foundation, etc). Apply a sunscreen at least 15 minutes before you go out. And wait for few second until this sunscreen absorbed before you start to put some make up.

It said that it can protecting from UV A, but I can't find any 'PA+++' on the packaging, only SPF30. I think 'SPF' protect skin from UV B and 'PA+++' protect skin from UV A, correct me if I'm wrong. I found some sunscreen product has weird smell, I found that smell in this product. Not an annoying smell actually so I can bear with it. Comes in tube packaging with flip top. I think the packaging little bit too bulky for 40ml product. If you are a begginner who looking for cheap but good sunscreen, you can try this one.

What I love :
Nice gel texture
Absorbed quickly, not sticky
Good protection from UV rays
Good tube packaging with flip top
Cheap and easy to get

What I hate :
I found oily face after awhile.

Overall Rating : 3/5 
Netto : 40ml
Price : around IDR30000
Gonna repurchase? I think I'm gonna try another sunscreen

Review : Wardah Lightening Night Cream Step 2

Review : Wardah Lightening Night Cream Step 2

source www.wardahbeauty.com
Hello :D
Yesterday, I posted Wardah Lightening Day Cream Step 1 which become my daily product since middle of 2014. Now I want to review the night cream. Is it as good as the day cream? Let's see :D

Product description :
Moisturizing cream for further stage of enlightenment 
Nourishing and enlightening skin in 3 steps: 
Cell regeneration: Glycolic Acid (AHA), to boost the dead skin cells release
Lightening Night Cream Step 2 contains AHA twice more than Lightening Night Cream Step 1. 
Caring and moisturizing: The content of Seaweed Extract helps absorb oil excess on skin, Allantoin gives moisture, Vitamins E and C work as anti-oxidants 
Enlighten from within: Licorice Extract, Vitamin B3 and Active White Complex that contains 7 active ingredients, simultaneoiusly help the process of skin enlightenment

How to use: 
Do face cleansing (in the evening) with Wardah Lightening Lightening Milk Cleanser and Wardah Lightening Gentle Wash, then refresh the skin with Wardah Lightening Face Toner.
Apply Lightening Night Cream evenly on face and neck
The use of Lightening Night Cream Step 2 is a continuation skin treatment after using Lightening (tambahkan --> Night Cream) Step 1.

The texture is thick but easy to apply and absorbs quickly. In the morning I got my skin brighter and it solving my dull skin problems. And I can see the brightening effect from first time I used this cream. I feel a bit cooling effect after applying this cream. Just like the day cream, it comes in tube and jar packaging. I love the small tube packaging than the jar. You should try this night cream if you have dull skin problems.

What I love :
Nice texture
GIve good result (brighter and smoother skin)
Small but strong tube packaging

What I hate :

Overall Rating : 5/5 
Price : around IDR 20000 for the small tube
Gonna repurchase? Yes!