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Tampilkan postingan dengan label oriflame. Tampilkan semua postingan
REVIEW : Oriflame Love Nature Exfoliating Shower Gel (Energising Mint & Raspberry)

REVIEW : Oriflame Love Nature Exfoliating Shower Gel (Energising Mint & Raspberry)

Hello guys, back to my review with full english u_u i know my english isn't good at all. But i really want to review this product with english because the product i'll review is come from famous brand. Almost all womens around the world know this brand. It's Oriflame!!! i'll review a  body wash from Oriflame. In the end of the day, we actually need refreshness again for charge our body, and bath is the one of way to get a refreshing power. My sister bought  this shower gel from her friend, and whole of person in my home use this body wash and everybody love it. Are you get curiously about the review? Lets check it out!

The packaging is very cute and at the first sight i see the bottle, i thought it was a strawberry jam and i imagine how tasty it is. But i really wrong that is not a bottle of jam, this is a shower gel! It's very sweet packaging i've ever see for a body wash like this.

The bottle looks like a milk bottle in cartoon, right? It has a transparent color, and the cap is green. Easy to open and don't worry about leakage, because the cap is really sealed well. But, i can imagine how bulky this bottle if you bring it on travel. Unfortunately, there is no travel packaging for Oriflame Love Nature Body Shower Gel. It just come with one packaging, with content 250ml.

FYI, in my review now,  this is a new packaging from Oriflame love nature shower gel. You can see the old packaging below
Old packaging
See? The recent bottle look more catchy and fresh, right?

Claims & Ingredients
Poor me. I totally can't read the description of this product because the words' font is so small ;( and also the color of the shower gel is so bright, so every words look reddish because the gel color is red :3. But i have read a short description in oriflame's website, this shower gel will cleans your skin and give you freshness. One thing that i don't like about oriflame is, they always give a very short description about their product. Maybe it's because the description is included with many language around the world, so the space for  a long description is really limited.

Okay, there is the ingredients, i got it from oriflame website:

There is SLS, but i don't mind at all. Cuz the SLS is for cleans my body, not my face. It's contains glycerin, mint and raspberry extract too. Sounds great.

Swatch, Texture & Performance
The texture is lil thick, just like another gel product but you will found many micro scrubs there, can you see the scrub granules in the bottle?

I like all the moment when using this body wash. It's really refreshing!! The raspberry scent really wake me up! The scrubs granules are small and soft. So its doesn't hurt or drying on my skin. The scrubs are working for sweep my dead skin cells and make it look brighter and fresh. This body wash also leave a scent in my bathroom, but the scent is not stay longer on my body > _< The foams are so rich! Even you don't use any sponge, it has so many foams when you lather this shower gel. 

+fresh fragrance
+exfoliate skin without make skin dry
+give freshness
+mild foam and scrub
+pretty packaging

-Too expensive for a Body Wash if it's compared with a local product.
-very short description about the product

Price :
Discount Price IDR 52.900/$5
Normal Price IDR 89.900/$9
Availability : Oriflame's Agent

REVIEW : Oriflame Essentials Fairness Exfoliating Face Scrub

REVIEW : Oriflame Essentials Fairness Exfoliating Face Scrub

Hi guys! Today i'll make my second review with full english (._.) do you know why? Because the product i will review is come from famous global brand, Oriflame. My english isn't fluently or excellent, but i wish you guys can understand this review hehehe.
Guys, do you have any problem with dull face? I have that problem. I searching in internet, the one of ways to solve that problem is with scrubing. When we talk about scrubing, we will remind a things with creamy texture which has a lot of granules. It's will remove the dirt and dead skin that make your skin looks dull. I have normal to dry skin type. Honestly, i have a bad memories with face scrub. I have been used a face scrub from local brand (Wardah), and i got unfortune with it. My skin got more drier because face scrub. But nowadays, my sister buy a face srub from Oriflame. And it's works so well for her and my mom. I got curious and wanna try too. So guys, do you excited for the review and the result on my skin? Let's go to the review!

The packaging is the newest design from Oriflame. In old packaging, the dominant color of the tube is pink, and now the new packaging is full white with purple's fonts. There is a illustration of Pomelo Fruit. The pomelo extract is the new innovation in Oriflame Essential Fairness Series. Sounds Great.

But in my opinion, there is a little disappoint with the cap. It's not a flip cap but a screw cap. It's a lil troublesome for me because i'm very lazy person for open the cap with that type. It's not practical.

In the back of the tube, there is some description product with many languages. But the descriptions is very very short. Maybe you'll get a full description in Oriflame's catalouge or website. Btw, the product is made in Poland.

The product is imported and distributed officially in indonesia, so you don't have to worry about the safety and the licence. It's has a licence from indonesia goverment, so it's actually certified in BPOM (National Agency of Drug and Food Control).

There is no long explain or description about the product, it's just say "face scrub. Lather and rinse. Avoid eye area". If you want a full description just check the catalouge :)

if you a really haters of paraben, i suggest you for not use this one. It's has some paraben family :3 but i don't care at all, beacuse i believe the paraben in that product is accordance with health standard. There is some ingredients i know like Citrus Grandis Fruit extract (Pomelo/grapefruit Extract),

Pomelo Fruit/ Grape Fruit
niacinamide (vit B3) and sodium ascorbyl pospate (vit C), tocopheryl acetate (vit E), and glyserin. But i got confused with natural pomelo extract, the scientific name citrus grandis fruits extract, i just found it's mean grapefruit (Jeruk Bali) extracts from internet (?) there is someone from biology class who undestand about scientific name ? i searching in internet citrus grandis mean grapefruit and citrus maxima mean pomelo. But when i'm searching the picture, the both look same. In indonesia, we call Grapefruit as Jeruk Bali. There is someone will tell me the right info?? If i did a mistake, i wish you tell me in comment column below.


The texture is thick and rich of scrubs! IMO, the scrub granules size is more bigger than my old face scrub, so it's really felt when i rubbed it on my face. It's not has a dramatic foam, it's has very little foam, if i can say, there is nothing foam when you use this scrub :3. The smells is fresh and has slight fruity scent. I love about the scent. Really refreshing.

But how about the result on my skin? After about 2-3 times tried it, my skin got dried till my skin in nose area peeled off. But it's works well for throw my whiteheads though the scrubs is too harsh till make my skin patchy on me. I never use it for everyday. I just use it 1x in a week or after my face got sunburn or dull. I think the scrub granules is too big and harsh for dry skin like me even the claims said it suitable for all skin types. When i rub the scrub, my face feel a lil hurt and sore. Poor me. I got twice unfortune with face scrub product. Maybe face scrub product doesn't fit me yet. I think this product will works well in combination to oily skin type because it's really remove dirt and oil from our skin.

+Lighten skin up directly after rinse
+optimally cleans dirt and whiteheads on me

-make my skin more dried because my skin is dry type, maybe it's works different in other skin type like oily skin.
-short description, maybe a box is nessecary for fit up the lack descriptions in the tube
-as a moslem, i need a halal certified in every product i used and unfortunately oriflame doesn't has halal certified yet

Price : around IDR 75.000/ $7
Availability : Oriflame's Agent
Rating : 5/10
Hope this review help you guys. See you in next post!


REVIEW : Oriflame Pure Colour Eyeliner in Black

REVIEW : Oriflame Pure Colour Eyeliner in Black

안녕 하세요 여로분!!
Alhamdulillah pada kesempatan kali ini, aku mau review eyeliner pertamaku. Yap, baru belajar dandan sih, jadi ini adalah the first eyeliner yang pernah aku coba dan aku beli sendiri #tepatnyabelipakeduitbapak hehe. Sejak masuk kuliah aku mulai tertarik sama dunia perlenongan oleh karena itulah aku mulai lirik lirik eye make up. Mulai dari pensil alis, mascara dan eyeliner yang mau aku review sekarang.
Honestly, aku tuh punya mata yang agak sipit alias kecil dan juga sayu :3 Bisa dikatakan kalau aku hanya memiliki sebelah kelopak mata, yaitu hanya dibagian kanan saja. Sedangkan mata kiriku tidak memiliki kelopak mata alias single eyelid :( entah kenapa sih, tapi kata mamaku aku memang memiliki mata yang gede sebelah :'( tapi enggak ganggu kok, palingan ya gitu kurang proporsional aja mungkin, maka aku mengakali bentuk mataku yang kecil ini dengan eyeliner. Eyeliner tuh wajib buat aku.. setiap hari aku pasti pakai, tapi memang kadang suka gak keburu pake kalau misalnya udah kesiangan ke kampus hehe paling cuman pake pensil alis dan mascara. Tahu kan ribetnya pake eyeliner tuh sperti apa T︵T tapi walau ribet aku sih suka suka aja pake eyeliner.
ORIFLAME PURE COLOUR EYELINER ini adalah salah satu produk kecantikan dari katalog terkenal Oriflame yang berasal dari Swedia. Mungkin kamu sudah tidak asing lagi kan dengan brand oriflame yang sudah sejak dulu wara wiri di indonesia.
Nah langsung saja ke reviewnya guys!

Seperti model kemasan eyeliner kebanyakan sih, simple dan minimalis. tubenya berbentuk tabung cembung dengan isi 8ml. isi yang amat banyak bukan? Lalu disertai kuas yang meruncing dan ramping. Aku sih sangat suka dengan eyeliner liquid dengan pengaplikasian menggunakan kuas runcing seperti ini, karena hasilnya amat natural. Di mulut botolnya juga gak bikin belepotan. Karena besar lubangnya pas gak kegedean atau kekecilan.

Tapi, sepertinya untuk yang newbie pake eyeliner ini bakalan agak sedikit tricky menggunakannya. Karena kita harus bisa menggambar eyeliner dengan tangan yang stabil gak gemeteran gitu. Kalau tangannya gemeteran jadinya si eyeliner berantakan dan tidak simetris. Jadi kebanyakan yang newbie atau pemula sih pakai pensil eyeliner atau eyeliner pen/spidol biar gak belepotan. Tapi entah kenapa aku kurang suka pakai eyeliner pen, soalnya aku pernah coba punya kakak dan hasilnya itu selalu ketebelan karena sudut pen-nya menurutku kurang runcing :3 jadinya kelihatan banget pake eyeliner, haha dasar nih cewek suka ber make-up tapi gak mau ketahuan pake make-up :(

Saat pertama kali beli, eyeliner ini disegel plastik dan terdapat stiker yang menempel. Dalam stiker tersebut ada komposisi nomor bpom dan produsennya. Sayangnya aku sudah membuang label atau stiker itu guys. Jadi aku gak bisa nulis ingredientsnya :( tapi insyaallah menurutku eyeliner ini aman kok karena sudah ada nomor bpom nya. Oh iya, eyeliner ini buatan india.


Warna yang dihasilkan oleh eyeliner ini sayangnya kurang pigmented guys, jadi harus oles berulang kali barulah jadi hitam pekat. Oles sekali mah yah ga kelihatan banget. Aku saja kalau pake entah suka oles berapa kali, jadi eyeliner ini sih buildable, semakin dipoles berkali kali warnanya baru terlihat pekat.
Dari atas ke bawah, 1x swipe, 2xswipe dan >3x swipe
Untuk aromanya kayaknya gak ganggu sih, aroma khas eyeliner pada umumnya. Kalian mungkin tahu bukan? Bau bau kimia tapi gak menyengatlah. Saat dipakai atau dioleskan, kadang kadang garis mataku suka terasa perih karena cairan eyelinernya. Entah mengandung apa nih eyeliner bikin mata perih :( perihnya gak lama sih, namun tetep aja jadi kurang nyaman. Nah ini contoh hasilnya bila diaplikasikan dimata

No filter, cuman editing grid dan font saja

jangan fokus ke jerawatnya :(

Untuk performa eyelinernya sih menurutku cukup baik, walaupun gak ada klaim waterproof saat dipakai wudhu dia gak luntur loh apalagi bikin mata panda. Asalkan jangan digosok kena airpun dia tetep stay dengan baik dan tahan seharian. Tapi kalau digosok sih dia langsung buyar dan meninggalkan residu butiran debu di area kelopak mata. Membersihkannya pun gampang, pake face wash aja udah bubar hehe apalagi kalau pake garnier micellar water, langsung kandas. Yang paling aku suka sih dari eyeliner ini hasilnya itu matte gak glossy seperti eyeliner merk lokal. Jadi gak memantulkan cahaya kalau difoto hihi bagus deh, terus bikin cat eye juga mudah banget karena kuasnya super runcing. Kalau aku sih suka eyeliner tipis natural seperti dalam pemeran drama korea ituloh atau gaya eyeliner seperti IU atau Lee Sung Kyung yang kelihatan natural banget.

Kesimpulannya aku gak terlalu jatuh cinta dengan eyeliner ini. Tapi, ada beberapa kelebihan yang aku suka dengan eyeliner ini, suka dengan kuasnya, kemudahan membersihkannya dan hasilnya yang matte. Tapi sejujurnya aku kurang suka dengan sensasi sedikit perih alias panas ketika pengaplikasian eyelinernya juga warnanya yang kurang intens maka harus dipoles berkali kali. Akibatnya harus butuh banyak waktu buat menggambar eyeliner bukan? Kalau lagi buru buru ya jadi di skip deh pake eyeliner ini.. kalau misalnya udah habis aku mau coba merk lain yang gak bikin mata perih dan warnanya pigmented.
Oh iya harnyanya sih IDR49.900 di katalog, tapi aku beli waktu promo cuman IDR 35.000 aja murah kan? Kamu bisa beli eyeliner ini di agen oriflame terdekat.
Semoga reviewnya membantu ya, see you!!

Salam Hangat,




Good evening guys 🌞
This is my first post with full english review. So, i do apologize if i did some mistake with my english :3 i'm not too fluently speaking english qqq please correct me, if i wrong.
Today, i'd like to review my recent favorite day cream (moisturizer) from a famous brand skincare cosmetics, Oriflame. Yeah, it is Oriflame Love Nature Wild Rose Day Cream which formulated for peoples with Dry Skin problem. Like me. Ehe
Oriflame Love Nature Wild Rose
Yups, just a few months ago, i have a problem with my dry skin. It's seems like peeled off and there is so many dry patches :( When i use make up, the result is bad. My face cracked and looks so dull. I get annoyed.. before using Oriflame Love Nature Wild Rose Day Cream, i had been used Wardah Lightening Day Cream, in a first week of using it, i got unfortune with Wardah, my skin got break out, i hadn't got moist effect on my face, just more dried than before. It's come more breakout after i did odontectomy surgery also did implant platinum mur and plate in my left jaw bone. My left cheek got swolled and it makes me hard to cleanse it. If i did a cleanse motion with my finger to my swollen cheeks, it's make my cheek feel pain. So i can't optimally cleanse my face. At the last, my left cheeks got serious breakout because acne was attacked me. After acne attack me, i stop all my skincare routine. I'm not using any moisturizer anymore till my skin get well and not breakout.

I think the reason why my face got breakout cause by my day cream and night cream from wardah. Then, the next reason is, my face got acne. It's occurs cause i can't cleanse my face optimally. IMO, wardah cannot hydrate my dry skin so well. So, i stopped use wardah and find a new one. For now, i've Using Olay natural White Night cream, i will review it soon. After searching to many source, i choose oriflame Love Nature Wild Rose which formulated for dry skin like me. I hope my skin get lucky with this product. Okay, lets we begin the review of the product!!

1. Packaging
I see the product packaging from the catalog and it's look like the jar is big! But my prediction is wrong guys!! The jar is smaller than i thought before.. i thought the packaging is easy for travel. but i feel a little disappoint about the packaging, there is no box for the jar.. the jar is alone without any protection from the outside T︵T
I bought it from my aunty, she is a Oriflame's Agent. The product is quite 'expensive' for me but why there is no box for the jar?? I see The local brand with cheap price have a box with seal for their product.. So, The packaging is standard like another cream.

The product is made from Poland!!
It's made from plastic. There are some illustration picture from wild rose and description with many language like rusian, arabic, germany, indonesia and many more. The cap is white, and the jar is semi transparent.
When you open the cap for the first time, there was a lid made from alumunium. Maybe the function is for seal the product from naughty hands qqq and to protect the purity of the product for consument.

The ingredients :)

The full description and ingredients of this product are hidden in the back of the jar.. you just need to open the half of label on the back's jar, and you will find the complete description there.

2. Scent & texture
Well, the scent is lil sweet, quite calming and refreshing. So far, i like the smell of this cream.. maybe it seems like scent of wild rose hahaha sorry i can't describe the scent with a right way. When i open the lid, the sweet scents are so flirting.

Next, the texture is so rich, guys! I tell you that the cream very hydrate your dry skin! But you don't have to using this cream with big amount, because it will make your skin looks too dewy (oily) and dull after a few minutes later. Just using this cream with small amount like a corn seed on your finger and it will heal your dry skin.. a little goes a long way :)

Will i recommend this for oily skin? I think the answer is a big No! No! This cream is too heavy for people with oily skin. This cream will make people with oily skin more oily (._.)

3. Result and Performance
After 2 months using Oriflame Love Nature Wild Rose Day cream, i feel my skin get nourished so well,, there's no any peeled off/dry patches skins around my eyes, nose and chin. When i use make up, especially face powder, there' s no cracked or cakey again. The result is quite good. The cream doesn't make any acne, or over oily effect on me. It's also doesn't make any comedo like blackhead or whitehead on my face. So far, the cream so nourishing for my dry skin. But the lack of this day cream, the ingredients still doesn't have SPF and PA for protect our skin from UV Rays. I think the product will more perfect if there is any sunscreen in this formula. So, i have to use sunscreen gel after use this cream..

^What I like
-very moisture and nourirshing
-not breakout my skin
-not comedogenic
-hydrated my skin
-a little goes a long way
-Good scent

^What i hate
-too expensive for student
-no SPF
-issue of the halal
-no box

*Price :
- IDR Rp. 49.900/$6 USD (discount price)
- IDR Rp. 89.900/$9 USD (Normal Price)
*Where to buy : Oriflame's Agent, i bought it from my aunty
*Will i repurchase : Maybe
Rating : 8/10