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REVIEW : SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask (Indonesia - English)

REVIEW : SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask (Indonesia - English)

Aku mengabaikan skincare semenjak mengerjakan skripsi. Alhamdulillah, bulan juli lalu aku sudah lulus, jadi untuk memanfaatkan waktu setelah lulus di masa new normal ini aku mau menebus kesalahanku dengan mulai bertekad menjalankan rutinitas skincare ku lagi yang beberapa bulan ke belakang sempet terbengkalai. Pola hidupku yang gak sehat selama bikin skripsi juga berdampak pada kulitku. Kuliku breakout. Wajahku jadi kusam dan kering, tumbuh banyak jerawat dan sekarang tersisa bekasnya, huhu sedih.

I have ignored my skincare since working for my thesis. Alhamdulillah, last July I've been graduated, so to utilize time after graduating while in the new normal era, I want to make amends by pushing myself to do my skincare routine again because a few months back my skincare routine got messed up. My unhealthy lifestyle while I am working for my thesis also affected my skin condition. My skin gets breakout, looks dull and dry, pimples and now left a lot of pimple scars, I feel so sad.

Untuk memperbaiki rutinitas skincare-ku selama masa new normal, aku tantangin diri aku sendiri buat menambah skincare routine-ku dengan cobain sheet mask yang akhir-akhir ini lagi hype banget di sosmed, bahkan pas aku cari  di marketplace beberapa varian sheet mask-nya sold out! Heee sebagus itukah???? sheet mask yang kumaksud adalah SNP (Shining Nature Purity) brand skincare Korea yang sudah resmi masuk Indonesia dan pastinya sudah ter-registrasi BPOM. Btw kalian udah kenal belum sama SNP?

To repair my skincare routine during the new normal, I challenge myself for adding a sheet mask in my skincare routine. This sheet mask's brand I used is so hyping nowadays in social media, and some variations of their sheet masks are sold out in the marketplace! The sheet mask's brand is SNP (Shining Nature Purity) a skincare brand from South Korea which has officially entry to Indonesia and has legal authorization from BPOM (National Agency for Drugs and Foods in Indonesia). Btw do you know SNP, guys?

SNP atau Shining Nature Purity ini adalah brand yang menjadi pioneer skincare dengan konsep Cosmeceutical, artinya penggabungan konsep Cosmetics + Pharmaceutical. Kali ini aku mendapat kesempatan untuk cobain salah satu varian sheet mask ter-best seller mereka, yaitu SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask. Line SNP Prep Peptaronic belum lama ini dirilis dan setahuku terdiri dari toner, serum, tone up cream dan sheet mask. Okeee mari kita mulai review-nya!

Disclosure : I've got this product from SNP, but I will write my  honest opinion based on my experience while using this product!

SNP or Shining Nature Purity is the pioneer brand with cosmeceutical concept, which means the mix of cosmetics + pharmaceutical concept. I've got a chance to try one of the best seller sheet mask variants from SNP, it's SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask. SNP Prep Peptaronic series is recently released and consists of toner, serum, cream, tone up cream, and sheet mask. So, let's jump to the review!

Kemasannya imut banget! Pemilihan warna pink pastel memberikan kesan yang kalem dan fresh sehingga enak dilihat. Desain kemasannya simpel namun unik, sehingga mudah diingat bahwa sheet mask ini dari brand SNP. Untuk material kemasan sama seperti kemasan sheet mask pada umumnya, plastik alumunium foil.

The packaging is so cute and delightful! The choice of pastel pink color gives a calm and clean sense. The packaging design is simple but unique, so it's easy to reminisce that this sheet mask is from the SNP brand. The packaging material is created from aluminum foil plastic.

Kamu dapat menemukan deskripsi produk pada bagian belakang keamasan, juga cara pemakaian, ingredients, nomor batch hingga informasi produsen tertera dengan lengkap. Walaupun informasi produk dominan ditulis menggunakan bahasa korea, jangan khawatir karena importir SNP di Indonesia telah menambahkan label informasi produk dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia

You can find the description of the product on the rear side of the packaging, also instructions, ingredients, batch number and manufacture information which printed out completely. Although the product information is dominated written with the Korean language, you don't have to be worried because the SNP importer in Indonesia has added an information label with Indonesian language.

Ampoule mask yang diperkaya dengan 6 tipe peptida dan 7 tipe hyaluronic acid yang membantu menghidrasi dan mengencangkan kulit. Sheet mask ini juga mengandung 3 Marine Complex :  rumput laut, spirulina maxima dan hizikia fusiforme.

Descriptions and intructions

Ampoule mask which contains six types of peptides and seven types of hyaluronic acid helps hydrate and firm the skin. This sheet mask also contain 3 marine complex : seaweed, spirulina maxima, and hizikia fusiforme.

Komposisi/ ingredients list

Kamu bisa lihat kalau sheetmask SNP ini punya banyak jenis peptides dan hyaluronic acid sesuai dengan klaimnya! 

6 jenis peptide meliputi : palmitoyl pentapeptide-4, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, palmitoyl tetrapetide-7, acetyl hexapeptide-8, hexapeptide-9, nonapeptide-9,.
7 jenis Hyaluronic Acid meliputi : Sodium hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid, hyrdrolyzed hyaluronic acid, potassium hyaluronate, sodium acetylated hyaluronate, hydroxypropyltrimonium hyaluronate, sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer

You can see that SNP Sheet mask has many types of peptides and hyaluronic acid, which well-suited with the claims!

6 types of peptides : palmitoyl pentapeptide-4, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, palmitoyl tetrapetide-7, acetyl hexapeptide-8, hexapeptide-9, nonapeptide-9,.
7 types of hyaluronic acid : Sodium hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid, hyrdrolyzed hyaluronic acid, potassium hyaluronate, sodium acetylated hyaluronate, hydroxypropyltrimonium hyaluronate, sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer

Bagi kamu yang belum tahu fungsi Peptide, kandungan peptide adalah skin-restoring ingredient yang merupakan bagian protein aktif yang berfungsi untuk mendorong produksi kolagen dan meminimalisir kerutan pada kulit  (Source : femaledaily.com). Maka kandungan peptide ini bermanfaat untuk mencegah penuaan loh!

Sedangkan Hyaluronic Acid memang berfungsi menjaga kelembaban dan elastisitas kulit karena Hyaluronic Acid ini memberikan hidrasi pada kulit sehingga mampu menahan kelembapan. Hyaluronic acid membantu kulit agar menjadi lebih lembut dan kenyal. Hyaluronic Acid juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan produksi kolagen  (Source : Beauty Journal by Sociolla)

If you don't know Peptide, Peptide is a skin-restoring ingredient which is a part of active protein and purposed for push collagen production and minimize wrinkles on the skin (Source: femaledaily.com). So the benefits of these peptide ingredients in SNP Prep Peptaronic ampoule mask are to preventing aging on our skin! 

While Hyaluronic Acid does indeed function to maintain the skin's moisture and elasticity because it provides hydration to the skin so that it can hold moisture. Hyaluronic acid helps the skin to become softer and more elastic because Hyaluronic Acid can also increase collagen production (Source: Beauty Journal by Sociolla)

Lembaran sheet mask-nya kaya akan cairan ampoule-nya! Banyak banget nyampe netes-netes ke baju aku ketika dipakai. Menurutku ketebalan sheet mask-nya pas ya, gak terlalu tipis maupun terlalu tebal walaupun ukurannya agak sedikit kebesaran untuk wajahku, tapi masih bisa disesuaikan kok. Untuk wanginya menurutku gak begitu menyengat, wanginya soft dan khas. Kurang lebih mirip wangi produk skincare bayi dan sedikit wangi floral gitu. Susah untuk dideskripsikan tapi yang jelas wanginya soft banget. Jika masih ada sisa cairan ampoule/essence-nya biasanya akan aku oleskan pada punggung kaki dan tangan. Kulit tangan/kaki aku jadi lembab setelahnya.

The sheet mask is rich with ampoule liquid! It's very rich till the ampoule drips on my clothes when I use this mask. I think the thickness of the sheet mask is pretty good, isn't too thin or too thick, although the mask size is a bit too big for me, but I can adjust it. For the scent, I think it's not so stinging, the scent is soft and distinctive. I think the scent is similar to the fragrance of a baby skincare product and it seems like a floral scent too. It's difficult to describe, but overall it has a nice scent, really soft. If there is remaining ampoule/essence in the packaging, I'll usually apply it to the instep of my feet or hands, and the result my hands/feet become moisturized.

The ampoule liquid

Tekstur cairan ampoule-nya agak kental seperti gel, setelah masker dilepas kulit jadi lembab dan sejuk. Namun, butuh waktu agak lama hingga sisa cairan ampoule-nya meresap. biasanya aku tap-tap kulit aku biar ampoule-nya lebih cepat meresap. Aku menantang diri aku buat pakai SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask ini selama 7 hari, mulai dari tanggal 29 Juli hingga 4 Agustus 2020. Emang boleh ya pakai sheet mask setiap hari? Boleh banget! karena SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask ini aman digunakan setiap hari. Hasil yang aku dapat setelah rutin pake sheet mask SNP adalah kulit wajahku jadi plumpy, lembab dan glowing. Aku pakainya antara waktu siang hari setelah mandi atau malam hari sebelum tidur selama 20 menit. Setelah rajin maskeran dengan SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask, aku juga merasa ketika aku pakai make up jadi lebih gampang nempel. Karena kulit aku memang tipe kulit yang kering jadi memang perlu hidrasi ekstra sebelum pakai makeu up, salah satunya adalah dengan rutin pakai sheet mask. 

the texture of the ampoule liquid is rather thick seems like a gel texture. After removing the mask, the skin becomes moist and soothe. However, it took a while for the rest of the ampoule for absorbed well into my skin. I usually tap and massage my face for making the rest of the ampoule become absorbed faster. I challenge myself to use this SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask for 7 days, starting from the 29th of July to the 4th of August 2020. Can I use a sheet mask every day? Sure! because SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask is safe to use every day. The result that I got after routinely using the SNP sheet mask is my skin became plumpy, moist, and glowing. I put it between daytime after showering or at night before going to bed for 20 minutes. After diligently using SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask, I also feel when I putting on makeup it becomes easier to stick on my skin. Because my skin is a dry skin type, so I need extra hydration before wearing makeup, one of the ways to hydration my skin is by routinely using sheet mask

after i remove the sheet mask

Selama 7 hari pemakaian, kulitku gak menimbulkan reaksi breakout atau gak cocok. Tapi, untuk pemakaian hari petama di kulitku sedang banyak area kering dan iritasi karena bekas luka jerawat, jadi ketika pakai sheet mask ini entah kenapa sedikit perih, tapi setelah hari ketiga kulitku menunjukan progress positif karena area yang iritasi / luka itu udah sembuh seiring rutin pakai sheet mask ini dilengkapi dengan rangkaian skincare-ku yang lain juga ya.

During seven days of use, my skin didn't show a breakout reaction. But, at the first day I use this mask, my skin has a lot of dry and irritated areas due to acne scars, so when using this sheet mask, my skin feels a bit sore, but after the third day my skin showed positive progress because the irritated area had healed as I'm routinely using this sheet mask it comes with my other skincare series too.

Setelah 7 hari pemakaian, aku dapat menyimpulkan bahwa aku cocok pakai SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask karena menunjukkan hasil yang positif di kulit aku. Setelah rutin pakai sheet mask SNP kulit aku gak gampang kering dan terjaga kelembapannya.

After seven days of using, I can take a conclusion to say that SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask is suitable for my skin because it shows positive results on my skin. after routinely using SNP sheet mask, my skin not easy to become dry and keep well-moisturized.

Aku merekomendasikan sheet mask ini untuk kamu yang sedang bermasalah dengan kulit yang kering dan kusam. Dengan pemakaian rutin, aku merasa SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask sangat membantu mengatasi masalah kulit kering dan kusamku. Jika kamu tertarik untuk mencoba, kamu gak perlu khawatir karena SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask ini harganya sangat terjangkau, kamu bisa beli dengan harga IDR. 16.500 melalui official store SNP di beberapa e-commerce  atau marketplace seperti ShopeeTokopediaLazadaSociolla serta Instagram @snpofficial.id.

I recommend this sheet mask for those who struggled with dry and dull skin. With regular use, I feel that SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask helps me for solving my dry and dull skin problem. If you are interested to try, you don't have to be worried because SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask is very affordable, you can buy with price IDR 16.500 from SNP official Store in e-commerce or marketplace like ShopeeTokopediaLazadaSociolla also Instagram @snpofficial.id. You can find in offline store too in Watson, Lulu Mart, Aeon, and Yogya Riau Junction Bandung.

Okay that's all my review about SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask, see you on another review!